There is no shortage of recommendations of French TV shows or books to pick up when learning the language. But I find that it's hard to find useful information about those recommendations. I can never tell if something is being recommended because it's good, or just easy to understand. I run into a lot of recommended books and TV shows that aren't actually good for learning French, or aren't enjoyable. This blog aims to give more information about why something is recommended for a French learner, and more information about the show or book so that you can decide if it's interesting to you.
Level of Difficulty
It might be useful to know where I'm coming from to put my own recommended levels into perspective. Overall I'm at a high-intermediate to advanced level but I have gaps in my vocabulary that plunge my level to beginner or low-intermediate. When I think about the level, I'm mostly thinking about the vocabulary, and how easy it would be to find out what the words mean. In terms of accents, I've heard a variety of accents so my ability to judge how hard it is to understand an accent might be skewed.
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